Handmade, Hand Forged, Unique Custom Knives & Tools. Working Art. Since 1997
sun print darker.jpg

--Process-- Making Handmade Custom Knives and Tools

bushcraft gardening, cooking with a wood stove, custom handmade, forged knives, hand forged carving tools, Handmade custom knives, homesteading, knife making, Knife shop, links, living off the grid, living sustainably, making art, Making knives, power with solar energy, the boreal forest, widlife environment, wood heat

We’ve found that the recovered materials to build knives and tools are of a higher quality than what you can buy. It takes work and time to process recovered materials. Unique, premium quality knives and tools for the quality of life.


The process

Recovered high carbon lumber mill saw blade steel

Recovered high carbon lumber mill saw blade steel

In 1997 we left Vancouver BC and moved to make art and work.

We live and work with the sun.

Tracking the sun.


We have 3 small solar power systems. One is 416 watts of panel on a tracker for the shop and cabin, the second one is a simple static 75 watt panel for the well pump and music and the fourth is 500 watts of panel on a tracker for the cabin and shop as well. We designed and built the trackers. Each system is independent of each other. https://aki-and-scott-fireweed.blogspot.com/2021/12/living-with-solar-power-for-25-years.html


Alone in the Bush. Since 1997 we’ve lived isolated in central British Columbia making handmade custom knives and tools. Aki Yamamoto, Scott Richardson and Kai.

A 6' Lumber Mill Head Saw Blade

A 6' Lumber Mill Head Saw Blade

Cutting a high quality carbon steel for knives and tools.

Aki Yamamoto in the garden

Aki Yamamoto in the garden


Handmade Knife Shop

Handmade Knife Shop

 Knife Shop in Winter

Knife Shop in Winter


Scott Richardson

Scott Richardson

Working in the knife shop

morning walk into wolves

morning walk into wolves


A Sun Print

A Sun Print


Old Saw Blade Knives

Old Saw Blade Knives


Shop trees

Shop trees


Saw Blade Stock

Saw Blade Stock


Scott Richardson and Aki Yamamoto forging.

Scott Richardson and Aki Yamamoto forging.

Scott and Kai Richardson forging knives

Scott and Kai Richardson forging knives

Working the forge.




Swans of the Tundra

Swans of the Tundra


Rock Heat Sink

Rock Heat Sink



Dog and Chicken

Dog and Chicken


Old Wrecks For Carbon Steel

Old Wrecks For Carbon Steel




grow up…

bringing in firewood

bringing in firewood

.The boreal forest burns hot and fast. .

Cabin in January

Cabin in January

Front Yards

Front Yards


chilcotin free

chilcotin free

time fades away

time fades away
